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April (2024)

Prayers of Freedom

Our words are very powerful.
God created the world with his words.
Although we are not God,we are made in his image and our words have great power-to either cause death or life.(Proverbs 18:21).
I am going to encourage you to say some freedom prayers about some areas that people can be bound to.
I belive that if you will say this from your heart and with conviction you can know a greater degree of spiritual freedom beginning today.
Lets make some declarations and draw a line in the sand.
We are fully aware of the devil and his devices.
We want to let him know that in Christ we will defeat him and we will experiance full freedom in our lives.

I belive that by doing this a spiritual transaction can take place.
Then from this moment on we need to maintain our freedom.
This may require some specific actions on our part.

Following is a prayer of surrendering to God followed by prayers of freedom for each of four possible demonic acess points.

Make them a faith decleration and belive for Gods Spirit to move in your life and bring you into freedom in whatever area you may be bound.

Surrender:"Heavenly Father,I come to you in Jesus name.
I confess that i have sinned against you.
Jesus,I thank you for dying on the cross for me and I accept you as my Saviour.
I invite you now to be the Lord of every area of my life.
Lord of my mind and all my thoughts,Lord of my emotions and all my feelings and reactions,Lord of my will and all my decisions,Lord of my body and all my behaviour,Lord of my spirit and my relationship with you,Lord of my time,my work,my home,my family,my possesions and all my relationships.
Thank you that your blood was shed that I might be set free.Amen"

Involvement in the Occult:"Heavenly Father,I renounce all involvement in the occult,in various cults or false religion.
I renounce any group,practice or belief that does not glorify Jesus.
I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
I will serve Him only.
I now declare that Satan has no legal right to have foothold in my life.
I claim the release and freedom promised by Jesus Christ.
The past is dealt with.
My future is assured.
Today,I will enjoy the abundant life that is available to me in Christ.
Thank you for your righteousness,your peace and your joy.Amen"

Negetive Generation Influences:"Heavenly Father,I confess and renounce every sin that my parents or my ancestors may have committed which has brought bondage or domination to my life,and i ask for forgiveness and cleansing.
In the name of Jesus I break every curse or sinful tendency that may have been passed on to me from my family or previous generations.
I am now in Christ and I have begun a new godly generation.
I thank you that Jesus took every curse for me on the cross of Calvary.
He died and then rose again so that I might be completely set free.Amen."

Personal Sin:"Heavenly Father,I repent of every sin,wrong action or attitude.
I ask you to forgive me.
Cleanse me and wash me completely.
Thank you that you have now forgiven and forgotten my sins.
They are dealt with and covered by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you for Your mercy.
I now choose to forgive myself for the things that i know you already forgiven me for.
I now turn from my sin.
Give me discernment to recognise temptation when it comes and the strength to resist it .Amen"

Personal Hurts:"Father,I confess that,as a result of being hurt,I have allowed myself to hold anger,resentment and bitterness in my heart.
I acknowledge this as sin and I now repent and turn from this behaviour.
Thank you Jesus for dying that i might be forgiven.
By an act of my will I now choose to forgive those who have hurt or offended me.
I release each and every one of these people into the freedom of forgiveness and I refuse to hold on to any bitterness or resentment.Amen"
22 Februari 2011  | Jesus finns och han älskar dig | 0 kommentar
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