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Februari (2019)

tjooohooo! hittar ni mig i framtiden
25 September 2009  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
Mer än 1 år har gått sedan sist

Shit va länge sen det va jag var här. Jag gick igenom lite gamla saker och hittade min gamla blog. Gud det har hänt så mycket sen sist.

Jag bor numera i Sweqi tillsammans med steve.

Jackie har vare nere nu i 10 dagar på torsdag och hälsat på . Hon söker jobb då och planerar att komma tillbaka sen igen i slutet av oktober.

Jag har jobbat för Maria/Unibet nu i lite mer än 1 år och stormtrivs. Jag kan inte klaga direkt på mitt liv. Allt har löst sig till det bästa verkligen.

Varje dag är ett äventyr och jag känner att jag verkligen har funnit ro nu. Det är inte alls lika stormigt som när jag uppdaterade bloggen i början. En helt annan känsla verkligen och en helt annan jag.

Jag saknar ju Sverige emellåt så klart mest vintern och det mysiga knarret av snö måste jag erkänna... för dem som fortfarande bor kvar uppe i norr låter det kanske helt absurt men tjaa.. jag saknar det.

Ikväll var jag och Jackie ner till Dubliners för att möta upp Jesper och Anna. Stannade inte så länge. drack mig en flaska vatten och surrade lite bara.

Jag håller på att förbereda nu inför alla de quizzer som jag ska göra innan eventet i GBG som jag ska åka upp och jobba på. Det ska bli så sjukt roligt! Jag ser verkligen tok fram emot det. Jag kan verkligen inte beskriva med ord hur det kändes när jag fick detta extra ansvar och verkligen fria händer. Jag får verkligen en chans att utvecklas och upptäcka fler sidor av mig själv. Utmana min kreativitet med något som är faktiskt helt nytt. Jag känner mig sjukt taggad verkligen.

Hahah jag läste igenom min gamla blogg och shit vilken dålig engelska jag hade ! helt arbsurt ! Men men jag får bara hoppas att den fungerar som den ska nu. tror jag har utvecklat mig både språkligt och självständigt sedan sist. Jag är inte längre den tjej som alla kör med, som tar emot skit och som inte säger ett knyst om hur jag egentligen mår. Nu tar jag tag i saker och jag har lärt mig under det här året att man måste säga till.. visst jag är inte 100% superbra på det men jag jobbar på att komma dit.

Den 2 oktober är det ju min födelsedag och jag och Niam bestämde oss för att slå den ihop då det också är hans födelsedag. Så just nu är jag i full gång med att ragga utomhusmöbler,belysning och en grill till eventet på mitt tak.
Tror det kommer bli en riktigt skön kväll. Jag vill verkligen inte ha något.. bara att alla ska vara där och ha riktigt kul & mysigt.

Imorgon är det sista kvällen för Jackie och även Karstens good bye kväll. Ska nog kila dit och säga hej.

Ska tagga ned på alkoholdrickandet tänkte jag . Undantaget blir min födelsedag. Jag och Jackie ska styra upp detta nu. Jag vill tillbaka till mitt mer tränade och nyttigare jag som blir tokig av att sitta still och inte kan ha en vecka utan några pass på gymmet. Det är tufft den första månaden vet jag men om jag bara tar mig i kragen igen så kommer det gå galant. Vill kanske ha droppat ett par kilon med tills jag ska till GBG utitfall det blir att jag verkligen måste vara med på kort och sådana gejjer. Det bävar jag lite för måste jag erkänna. Tycker inte om att vara med på sådana kort nu när jag verkligen inte är som jag brukade vara. Jag har vuxit i mitt självförtroende men jag är fortfarande svag för att ens se bilder så där.

Anyways det va nog från mig ikväll. Jag måste lägga mig nu. Ska upp vid 09:00 imorgon för att dra sen och jobba.

Cheerio !
23 September 2009  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
long time no see

Ive been bad at writing anything here for some time now.

but Ill keep ya updated!

got a fulltimejob at, will earn 1800 euros per month :)
steve and i are living la vida loca at our apartment, and everything feels great.

i will ahve some visitors as well now back home from sweden;
- Lisa comes 10th of september
- Mum comes with my sister and Carina 1st of October to celibrate my b-day (2 october)
- My derest Lomajn comes 9 of November <3

thats all for today, if yall wanna keep intouch check out bilddagboken and facebook !

26 Augusti 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
@ Malta, established

Yes so now im a "maltese"
i even got my maltese id-card now.

dont have that much to write exept that im still looking for a job. hope to get one soon..
the apartment feels great.. we have had some prblems with water but today finally we got it back.

miss everyone at home very much .. hope to see some of u in a very close future down here.

its incrdible warm outside.. i have to drink like 4 liter water every day too keep the head up.

anyways.. see u soon ! miss and love u guys.. u know who u are.
and L Contra el mundo mi Corazon! <3
23 Juni 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
bk to reality

so now im home again from malta.
the apartment is fixed so im just waiting for an answer from Unibet where i were on an intervju. 12 days until i see Qalbi again <3

abit nervous about moving and stuff.
i will have my good bye dinner the 9th i think here at home and then go out in the evening. but nothing is settled yet.

the 20th we had our graduationparty ("studentskiva")
It was really nice, had much fun with u girls :)

Baby i miss u so much, every sec without u is so hard.
u have no idea how much u mean to me <3

Lomina dont forget me ok ?
30 Maj 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

5 days left now.. im sitting here studying for the two last tests before i can go. i have done the working inviroment report as well now so i will be all finished. i just have to take an enother look at my list of have-to-do-stuff before i can breath out.

Tomorrow Leif and Carina will come here. Dad and Leif turns 44 years old tomorrow and then they will leave in the same night for the airport bec the plain leaves at 07.40 in the morning. im so jelous :P

On thuesday my pre-graduation party will take place at the club "People". im abit nervous over what they choosed me to be on "the class ..... " maby i get "asshole" ? haha ;)

anyway.. im feeling abit sick.. i have a big cold so im all the time tired and down for some reason. but i really try to keep up the spirit (or the fasade) at least.

Today I havent really done anything exept chaising animales that escaped and studyed and sleeping. but its nice to have a day like this sometimes. Steve sorry i didnt come online in time, i fell a sleep and then u were om ur way to stephens place. but we will see eachother for real soon, very soon :) *thihi*

and u, yes u! keep ya spirit up even in hard times. its not easy but atleast try.. lighter days will come. ;)
17 Maj 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
il persona ..

today im doing the laudery and packing at the same time so it will be totally ready later on. had some good news about working today as well, an oppotunity to make 2 times more than if i worked in the reception at some hotel. my friend has fixed so i have the chance for an interview at unibet. im really thankful. the payment would be ca 1800-1700 euros before taxes per month.

i feel so much panic for the tests, like a big lump in my belly thats growing.

and i have a suprice for my qalbi later as well that i will fix :) he has no clue what so ever. there is no chance he would guess what it is. ^^

maah ejja !
11 Maj 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

yesterday i found a "real dress" for graduation, have decided to use the other one for the graduation party. it feels good, mum and i took a real shopping day. i had so much fun with her. it feels like it was a long time ago we did it.

10 days left until i see u again, feel u again. i hope u had a really nice evening out tonight. sitting here without being able to sleep . panicattacks over the 7 tests + hand in stuff i have now to do in 10 days. after this i can survive anything.

anyways.. life is a bitch and nothing for rookies, deal with it !

atleast im making something of my life, if u cant handle it then its ur problem! :P

miss u qalbi, inhobbok ghal dejjem <3
11 Maj 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Today i found my dress for graduation, nice one at gina tricot :)

spent the day with lomina, chralie ( lominas friend from scotland) and kattis. it was nice siting in the sun talking.

and i found a nice bikini as well.

so now im here.. 25 days until i see my baby again.. its hard but we will make it sweety.. we will make it.

soon the shit at school will be over, the only bad thing is that i will miss everyone afterwards.

love and miss u qalbi, ghal dejjem <3

but peace out for now !

caw !
26 April 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Im so proud of you.. you dont even know how much <3

Today i have been home, overslept this morning and then i thought that maby i need to stay at home to do some homework. so i did and i finished the home test in swedish b. (thank u lord)
so now i can take away one more thing on my list over have-to-do things ! check !

Anyway.. i went down town yesterday with Sannela and found a pair of white chorts to have for graduation 5th of june. feels so good that its not long left now.

And the planning for are graduationparty 20th of May has begun. Thinking of going to Nike maby for some tequila drinking ! ^^

And of course there is the planning for my trip to qalbi on the 21st <3
I cant w8 until i will see you again.

I have started to work out now as well.. i go 6 km walking or rolerblading very evening now so i will loose some weight for graduation. it feels good to be out there alone and just think. or im not alone i have my pal cindy with me of course :)

caw caw for now !
17 April 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
dont want to

I hate this day.. Steve flew home this morning at 07.40 :,(
Dont feel like doing anything. Ur the light in the tunnel baby.. a way out from all shit.

I miss u already so much.. cant get in my head that its more than 5 weeks until i will see you again .. fuck fuck fuck !
13 April 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Sitting here at school .. soooo boring !
atleast i have my qalbi with me for now <3

today liz1 has her birthday and were maby going to her tonight.

I have like a huge mountain of stuff to do for school :( NE both english and swedish + other homework. fuck fuck fuck !

3 April 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Yesterday we went to Gävle for an icehockey game Brynäs - Malmö as a small thing before Lilian would go home this morning. They left last night for skavsta bec the plain was going to leave at 07.30.
Steve went with them to hold dad company.

I also booked next flight to Malta in May, the price had went down by half so we booked right away. The only thing is that the mail you are supposed to get didnt come. I have to call on monday between 10.00 and 18.45 to fix it. I will leave from my Studentparty with my class directley to go to the airport bec the flight is 07.40 in the morning. :P

2 weeks now until my qalbi goes home .. it really feels in my belly that im going to be without you now for even a longer time than before. Slowly i have started to accept it, maby its good that we are apart like this in between because you apriciate eachother much more and really take care of the time togheter. But im gonna miss you so badley.

Im lucky to have my friends that suport me and make me wanna keep on.

Soon it will be my final exams as well. :S my god ! Now it will show what I did with my 4 years time at school.

My twinkle star Lomi had her birthday this 26th as well so we went out on etage for some kareokey (or how it now spells) at etage. :)
Anyway.. Now i will go and do some good stuff instead.
30 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
malta vs sweden

Orrajt then !
Steve and Lillian arrived this 19th ( as a suprise steve came earlier than planned)
We have been to uppsala (my school, downtown etc), Valbo and Gävle.

It was a long time sense i saw this much snow and it was like planned just bec lilian came sort of :)

yesterday we were in Valbo first at an easterdinner and then after that we went to Carina and Leifs place for some hours. Steve and lillian went on a snowracer and a quadbike :)

anyway.. more to come :)

Caw Caw !
23 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

waiting for u is like waiting for a raindrop in the desert...
I need you more than ever..
You are my heaven ...
I was preying that we might end up together, thats why i keep u so close
Never regret anything u have done, regret what u didnt do instead.

I will fight until the last breath for u ...

And D, are u lying again? You werent with her when she was here?
17 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
Great minds think alike

God im so looking forward to my graduation!
A new life will apear without homework, stress a sunday night that the essey has to be done or the big test tomorrow.

I dont want a dress when i graduate, i want a headbaning, smoken top and white jeans or linen trousers i think :D thats my style!
But this friday Janne reminded me about his and my bet, if he has a tuxido i have to have a skirt/dress :S *holding my thumbs for him droping out* ^^,

Anyway.. The best song won tonight; Charlotte Perelli with "Hero". Maby we will have a shot this year?

So what am i doing right now? yeah sitting here, almost everyone i know are out tonight drinking. but i have my dear hw to do .. fuck i hate school ! (classic i know)

Have started to loose weight now, im not gonna go on a diet or anything, just think healthy. My nanna came around today with a really good book from weightwatchers :) The more i loose weight, the more i add good selfconsius.

Went working today as well, from 12.00 a.m to 5.30 p.m. atleast i got some cash for next month.

Now i have to take my fat ass and continue doing some good shieeet instead !

over and out - great minds think alike sweety ;)
15 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

written with a pen,
sealed with a kiss.
If you love me please
answer me this.

Do you love me or do you not?
You told me once but I forgot.
so tell me now and tell me true.
So that I can whisper that I love you.

Off all the people Ive ever met,
you are the only one I wont forget.
And if I die before you do,
Ill go to heaven and wait for you.
If youre not there by judgementday,
then Ill know you went the other way.
Ill give the angels back their wings
and lose control of everything.
Just to prove my love is true,
Ill go to hell to be with you.


Jag vet att du sover
känner värmen från din hud
bara lukten gör mej svag
men jag vågar inte väcka dej nu

Jag skulle ge dej
allting du pekar på
men bara när du inte hör
vågar jag säga så

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
när du inte ser på
och genomskinlig grå
blir jag
utan dina andetag
10 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

I went down to dannes place yesterday with my brother..
He called and asked me if i wanted to come so i did.

While there the most pathetic person (must be ) called and put her nose in things that doesnt involve her.
Do u really got a life or dont u have any IQ, i would be impressed if youre even able to read this ?
Haha its persons like u who makes the rest in the world so satisfied and proud not being like u.

It feels good that were friends now after everything.. its only u and me who knows the whole story and that means that nobody else can judge.
Thanks for suporting me yesterday and taking a stand for me against the pathetic one.
"See ya dont wanna be ya" - true, very true.

And steve ur always in my heart and soul, i know there is some place better than this. you can find jelous people in every corner of the world.

What you told me yesterday when we were talking really means to me alot!

Over and out - since when cant u be friends with ur ex ?

8 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

So irritated today.. people u thought u could trust puts a dagger in ur back.
This friday i found out alot of shit people have been saying about me at school.
bitches !

Lisa called me yesterday.. she is really ON following me d own to malta maby. It would be so nice to have someone that is from "home". someone who knows all the stuff so to speak. and to be able to speak swedish would be nice to. The rent would be lower and it would be easier to live shortly written.
She is coming home today to me to talk about everything. :)

Anyway.. tomorrow i have training at 20 past 7 to 20 past 8. i just hope that i will feel better this afternoon then i do now, bec i still have head ache and probably feever .

I got the job as the personal assistant to the little girl btw. it feels really nice to have some money rollin in. and the father and the girl was so friendly and nice so its not gonna be any problem.

over and out - confusion still growing

3 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

I havent slept for over 24 hours.
My brain feels like butter between my ears.

But it feels better today, alot of emotions released.
Will you still remember me when Im gone?

One chance, i give you one chance to prove your self.
Not more.

I try to remember the good times,
times of laughter and happyness.

Steve, I know Im difficult to handle sometimes but my soul is harmed.
But i will come back, like the flower after the winter.

Im confused but relived some how.

Last night I was out with some of "mi ladies" at People and had a really good time, i met so many persons that i havent seen for ages. It was so nice to meet again.

For example i met Johanna M, we have knowned eachother since the age of 7. I found out that she lives in Germany :)

I met alot of people i really didnt count on meeting, its always fun.

I just hope there wont be any pics on the internet after, i have no memory of being in a pic of my free will, so i hope i wont be in the background on any as well. :P

1 Mars 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
I hope u get it now

I really hope u get how much u hurted me and that im never coming back this time. ur messages dont have any magic on me anymore.. they only hurt of the memories i thought was real but showed to be lies. 3.5 years of lies.

so where am i in life now?

2 days ago i found some really nice glasses to have in the apartment + a carpet and some small things. i just keep my fingers crossed that everything will work out just the way i want them to now.

on saturday were going out with the nice boat on the sea; Loran , leandra, me, steve, stephen, joseph, nick + gf :) its suposed to be nice weather so i hope its will be a good day. thinking about bringing some wine too maby :D

4 days left then here... going home on sunday. but i will be back soon.
its amazing what this island and people does to ur mind <3

sweety.. how can u know all the right words? <3
20 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
Dont wanna go home.

I dont wanna go home on sunday.. i wanna stay here where i feel i have my freespot. Im finally able to sleep in the nights, most of them at least.

yesterday i had a small driving lesson with steve and his father.. steve was going to learn how to parc in a tricky situation with reversing the car. he did very good and after we went to stephens place to watch some movies on his home-cinema in his basement. andrea and matt came to pic us up at around 1 oclock. i feel so sorry for steve who is in school right now, he left at around 06.30 a.m. not so many hours of sleep there.

today will i hopefully send some applicationforms away.. im gonna fill them in with lillian so everything will be correct and good. i might even have a chance for work at the HSBC ( one of the biggest banks here) bec a cousin to steve works there.. ! i will fill in the aplication and just wish for the lord with me on that one ! :)

Baby.. everyday u make me whole, u help me healing my wounds, u take care of me. my heart is bleeding but in time with ur suport will everything go away.. i just know it will. U give me light and warm arms to have around me when the night feels so empty and dark. thanks to u im still floating with my head above the surface <3

to my special ones, u know who u are:
Im gonna miss u so badley when i move down here, but my home is always open for u to come. u dont even have to ask, it will be open even 30 years from now if thats what it takes. just pls dont forget me. <3
18 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
at Malta

Today is my third day here at Malta.. im so happy.. yesterday me and steve went over to gozo (the third island) and had a really good time. :)

today were maby going shopping for more stuff for the apartment.. its feels more real now when im down here that it will actually happen.

The first thing i saw when i woke up last morning was red roses on my bed :)

so long suckers!
15 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Today we got puppies, 7 of them :) Cindy (cinderella) or as i call her " the pregnant one" was so amazing. its her first time and she did splended !
Some new life in to this world.

I had to help mum sence 8 this mornig. so no school for me.. or thats not the big reason.. i just cant handle all questions about how i feel and if somethings wrong. i feel like crying all the time but try to stay focused and on track.

Steve thank you for everything.. i know u dont like me being like this but its gonna take time for me.. to lick my wounds. To stop feeling.
But what u do everyday and say really helps me alot.. i dont know what i would do without u . ur a true one, a big suport and i love u for that <3

why do i even care ? i only get hurt the more i get to know, the thing is that u dont get that i read it all.. ive seen u and ur bullshit.

it feels so good to know that moving is not that far away atleast. June is the month im waiting for, start a new life, new oportunitys, fresh start.

Tonight im leaving home for skavsta and Malta. the flight departures at 07.10 tomorrow morning so i have to go from here at about 3 in the night.

with time.. with time will it be ok.. i guess.
12 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Today we got puppies, only 3 are out this far but there is more to come.. im taking a break in between so the bitch wont get irritated or stressed. finally some light at least.

Steve thank you for everything.. i know u dont like me being like this but its gonna take time for me.. to lick my wounds. To stop feeling. Maby i will turn icecold again like before and dont feel anything bec its to much ?


Pls stop, i cant take it anymore ...
12 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
Alone is strong ?

tough luck , u winn what ur loosing.
Some people just have to little to do in their lives, its pathetic.
Didnt u understand when i said "leave me alone", what in that sentence is there to misunderstand?

in my eyes ur just a simple lying shit. u hurted me so compleatley, only in the ways u could do.

i already heard the news about the new girl. good live on.. leave me alone. dont send ur f*cking textmessages to me, leave them for someone who u can still betry and fool.
11 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
thank u

My melody i live by now.

I´m out, im closing a chapter.
All in, world full of raptures.
Caught up, its time for the show.
Baby, baby, baby

Tough luck, you win but you losin.
Break out, you be what you chosin
One wish, illusion is this so baby baby baby

You´re at your mind, love is a cover.
This time, your turn is over, its over.

Thank you for all that you done for me,
Now I know for real that we supposed to be.
Cant waste my time so goodbye my baby, baby, baby
Thank you.

Love struck - Its never easy
Came and gone - Just to tease me
Better off - Im living my dream now
Baby, baby, baby

Life hurts - Lies are on the coffer
So Im gone before its over

Thank you for all that youve done for me
Now I know what real love is supposed to be
Cant waste my time so goodbye my baby, baby, baby

Im better off alone
For all that you have done
Done no one-on-on
And that aint what you got

Thank you for all that youve done for me
Now i know what real love is supposed to be
Cant waste my time so goodbye my baby, baby, baby

Cant waste my time so goodbye my baby, baby

Thank you for all that youve done for me
Now I know what real love is supposed to be
Cant waste my time so goodbye my baby, baby, baby
Thank you
10 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
now i know

now i know how false and meen people can be. we really live in a sick world where the one u trust the most are in fact the most untrustworthy.

U really broke me down once and for all now, i hope ur satisfied bec no one could do it like u did.

Now i dont have anything left here in tierp, im more then ready to move to Malta. He took away everything that kept me here.

The most hurtful is not what u did, but all the lies that came out from ur mouth and the fact i did belive u.

I kind of feel sorry for her bec u are problably gonna lie to her as much as u did to me, if not worse. I cant belive that u once asked me to move in with u.. was it so u were gonna have some fucking whorenest?

I have found someone .. someone who backs me up and does everything that u never will or have done. someone that doesnt lie or betrey. i wasnt sure of my feelings before but this was the last push i needed.

I had enough, i totally had enough of everything.

i dont know if i will ever be able to trust someone again...

Steve rescue me..
10 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
U son of a bitch !

I cant belive people who stands infront of u lying in ur face ! But im not gonna stay in this position, im fucking moving on now. You havent done anything but putten me behind shadows.. when i call u up u are ashamed of talking to me, problably bec u have som whore with u. If im not good to u to talk then , then im not good to u ever !

so leave me the fuck alone ! I have decided to follow my head and not heart. Its hard but thats how its gonna be to spare me the pain i would have to relive again. Im not gonna be some marionett-puppet that u can play with how u want.

You false son of a bitch. how could i ever trust u again? u just keep on doing it all the time, what do i knowif u kept on while u said i was the only one ?

over and out ! - fucking whore
9 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
grey day

The weather was so boring today.. all grey.
then we had dull lessons, i even fell a sleep during the religion !

atleast i got some company on the way home on the train.. and then my fellow diaz gave me a lift home so i idnt have to walk the 300 meters to my house ;)

anyway im counting the days to go so badley.. and at the same time im so nervous of moving in sumer.. thats why i keep on talking about it all the time.

yeye.. working inviroment and safty test tomorrow at school.. hurray ! :S i have no clue what to study for it.

over and out - humfr?
7 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
ohh it feels so good.

Today was a good day :)
at first i went to the meeting for personal suporter for a little girl. i was nervous like hell but i got the job ! and the father of the girl was really friendly and understanding, so even the fact that im moving outbroad this sumer wasnt a problem :)

then i put my ass to school, the only lesson i had was to watch a movie about the global effect on nature and inviroment. it was as a prepairing for the lesson with erik on friday .

after that me and mickis went downtown.. i got some euros from my accound and miskis wanted to look on shoes. she found a really nice pair that she will buy later.

then it was the train to tierp and the bus home.. i got some time to talk to steve about everything between sky and earth. u really suport me , i have never had anyone like u before in my life . ur words are like gold <3

and then it headed on to traning, bodypump was on the menu today. ohh it feels so good afterwards u have been using ur muscles really hard. im so tired in my boody but bloody hell it feels good !

Mum is getting puppis any day now.. Cindy is breathing hard and u can see there is some things moving inside her belly :) i just hope she will get them before i go now to malta. ohh 6 days left btw ;D

Over and out - man life can feel really good sometimes :D
6 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
energy .

thats something i really dont feel that i have at the moment.. u know when everything wants to just slip through ur fingers. u cant really figure it out what to do and u dont feel like there is any energy to do it eather. u just feel empty.

but i gotta shape up now, both in mind and body.. its time for a fresh start, a new beguinning.

sweety u dont know how good ur words feels to hear.. its like pure silk for my mind. u make me wanna go on, keep on fighting and take me forward. ur the light in the tunnel, the strength when i need it the most.

Todays theatreclass was great ! :) so fun.. i just whant to have it all day ! we played games as usually but we had to put up a play for as well. the best was when calle was a chinese (or whatere country) teacher and stated to scream in some chingchong language ^^, *hihi*
our play was about about a geisha and a panda that fell inlove but the geisha couldnt for her pimp (me) so i killed the panda (anton). ;D

the other swedisg lesson sucked big time .. we are gonna have test and i have no clue whats so ever to what im gonna study on to it :S
any way .. i have so much things to do in that course that im starting to think i wont make it :S :/

7 days left now for malta.. im so looking forward to it <3

over and out - what doesnt kill u make u stronger
5 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar
ohh my gosh

Im so tired right now that i cant belive it!

Today after school i went to my partner in crime Mickis place.. we made some cake for tomorrows theatreclass (everyone who has her/his mobile on and someone calls on it during the lesson has to bake something to next lesson)

after that my derest K.b came to pic me up for boxingtraining ! ohh my gosh ! i cant even wright good right now.. still shaking ! and tomorrow there is bodystep on Aktivera (the trainingcentre). how am i gonna survive? :O
Beach 2008 here i come ;) (the pic is gonna be me ;D ) ->

Anyway.. On wednesday there is the meeting for my new temporary work, i hope it will turn out good.

Miss you guys on malta, everyone of u ! <3 its gonna be so nice to see you all again the 13th ! btw thank u nick for picking me up, really apri :)

some pics are uploaded but only made some, more is to come :)

over and out - elvis has left the building!

4 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 0 kommentar

Yes, so i ended up here then as my other fellows !
Im going to use this one even for my outbroad friends so its gonna be written in english. this is even for my homefriends to see whats up in my life when i leave sweden in summer.

So whats up? hmm.. im going to malta again the 13th to the 24th of feb to fix and prepaire more things.
Its alot to do but i hope we will make it. im going to start putting down things there now. this time its cloths and half the plates.

im so nervours.. im like starting a new life. i just hope i wont loose contact with my pals home. espec the ones from my class.. what would i be with out u girls ? <3

anyway time to take my ass from the chair and do some good shit today !

over and out -
3 Februari 2008  | Länk | me my self and i | 1 kommentar - 12.000 webbutiker! | - allt om ehandel
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